Bully, with his mouth full, kicked the dirt back with his right front hoof just before I took this photo. I decided it might be best if I moved on. The reason I even stopped to take this photo was because I had lunch with my friend Linda from Monet, Missouri. Linda raises beef cattle and quarter horses. She came into to town to see a doctor about her broken foot and arm from falling off her horse trailer. During lunch, she explained problems with some of her cows delivering calves that are not old enough to care for them. She said "some heifers are better mothers" and she had a few that were too young and did not get the birth sac off the calf in time, resulting in calves suffocating. Part of Linda's job, as a cattle farmer is to make sure her cows and calves are cared for when the heifers are inexperienced. The bull in this particular photo belongs to my neighbor down the road. This cow is being kept separate from the herd until he is needed.