Residency Summary
Sunday, June 21
Faculty Presentation
"Benefit of education is to learn to think for yourself. . . Interrogate
your taste to find out who you are". Jan Avgikos
Stages of Completion
Since I wasn't sure how I was going to combine the aerial and ground level
views in my new multi-canvas painting, I started with the aerial view on
all 4 p...
Please update your links, I have a new site!
Hey All, So, I moved my site over to I also have a
new news feed which is here: Please
update y...
Playful Little Audrey in "Froggy Daze"
Since Audrey and Melvin are my banner kids, I felt it only fair that I give
them my first post. This comes from *Playful Little Audrey* No. 10,
January, 19...
Corey & Rachel–Final Images
- Please visit the
website above for more images. I have included some of my favorites, but
there were m...
Landscape and Roadside Vernacular
“Landscape could be seen as the first cognitive encounter with a place.”(1)
– W.J.T. Mitchell
The tradition of landscape within the context of roa...
It's been a great summer and a few works have sold at Terzian Galleries in
Park City (see the works that sold below). Please check out Terzian
Galleries o...
This Relic
Can this be considered a relic? I have had it since I was 12 years old. I
think my Dad gave it to me for my birthday. I love this old alarm clock. It
sits ...
Pop culture celebrity and constituency.
7th and 8th grade students chew gum creating medium for portrait.